Partnership Blog | Collaborations & Alliances | IL Bronzetto

Identity engraved in metal: the art of Bronzetto for luxury projects

Identity engraved in metal: the art of Bronzetto for luxury projects

In the world of hospitality, every detail is an opportunity to express style and prestige. From the logo on the entr... more

Armor Lamp Capsule by Bronzetto and Cecchi de Rossi

Armor Lamp Capsule by Bronzetto and Cecchi de Rossi

THE FUSION OF CRAFTSMENSHIP In a realm where refinement meets innovation, the collaboration between Bronzetto and the... more

Invito a Corte, Maria Giulia Sala Interiors and Bronzetto

Invito a Corte, Maria Giulia Sala Interiors and Bronzetto

AN EVENT FOR DESIGN LOVERS The historic Palazzo Barbolani di Montauto, located in Via de' Ginori 9, in front of the R... more

Mani del Sud fashion designer, Florence

Mani del Sud fashion designer, Florence

MANI DEL SUD, FLORENCE Il Bronzetto collaborates with artists of all kinds, from musicians to fashion designers such ... more

Indiana Film Production, Rome - ilbronzetto

Indiana Film Production, Rome

MOVIE AND FICTION STAGING Il Bronzetto collaborates with film production companies of all kinds, to set up stages for... more

LuisaViaRoma: Where Fashion Meets Artisan Craftsmanship

LuisaViaRoma: Where Fashion Meets Artisan Craftsmanship

LUISA VIA ROMA: SETTING TRENDS SINCE 80's Since the 1980s, LuisaViaRoma has carved its niche in the fashion industry ... more